The Crab Cracker is a community magazine created BY local residents FOR local residents. It was created in 2008 by Camano Islanders, James and Malynda Shipley. It is a FREE publication printed every two weeks and distributed throughout the communities of Camano Island, Stanwood (and Warm Beach area), Silvana, and Conway. It contains an extensive calendar of events, original stories, feature articles, fun and interesting sections, community news and announcements, tide tables, and more. Please send us any material you want our communities to know about for possible entry into this publication. It is content provided from YOU that makes this publication the popular source of information and entertainment that all of our friends and neighbors enjoy
The Crab Cracker and its contents are the sole property of The Crab Cracker and Walking Cat Design unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily shared by the publisher. We reserve the right to refuse any material we feel unsuitable. Publisher receives advertising in the condition the advertiser agrees that at no time shall publisher’s liability exceed the cost of the space, and publisher is not liable for incidental damages. Publisher accepts no responsibility for content submitted by other parties or taken from other sources, or spelling or grammatical errors. We cannot guarantee specific location within the magazine of content, including ads (except cover ads).
For more information on graphic design company, Walking Cat Design, and the artworks of James M. Shipley, got to www.JamesShipley.com